Reflections on our defeat and the challenge ahead

Lo siguiente son observaciones muy pertinentes de un voluntario de la campaña del Partido Laborista en Gran Bretaña. Sus comentarios ayudan a entender el resultado de la última elección.

Will to Truth

I was a canvasser for Labour in the North West, in 8 different constituencies that we’ve lost, and this is what I learnt

I had the privilege to dedicate the final 15 days leading to the general elections yesterday to canvassing intensively for Labour. Together with hundreds of volunteers, I commuted daily from Manchester to eight North West marginal (all but one Leave) constituencies, where I canvassed from dusk to dawn, in rain and storm, usually for 10 hours a day, all of which we eventually lost. Having knocked on tens of thousands of doors, and met with a wide range of targeted voters, I was not very surprised by last night’s results. Anyone who has been listening openly to the repeating narratives and emotions at the doorsteps of these traditional Labour voters, could not have expected a different result.

While totally broken politically this morning, I do feel a…

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